[Help] multi world

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 18, 2007
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im wondering if its possible to make a world server using the same database, so instead of having to diff rates and characters its all the same.

if theres a way can anyone help me?
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Just copy your server folder and make another one, and change the ports in char/ and world server conf's in your new folder and change them in config.ini aswell, then check whats the highest server id in your other folder's conf's like Login =1, char = 2 world = 3, so in the new folder char = 4, world =5 and just load char and map in the new folder, just with changed char and map ports.

Like this for example:

Say your first server is in D:\Fullserver_v12_11\
Copy that folder, and paste so you'd have

D:\Copy of Fullserver_v12_1\

And in D:\Fullserver_v12_11\ you have loginserver.conf,char and world

login = 0
char = 1
world = 2

So in D:\Copy of Fullserver_v12_1\ make sure
Char = 3 and world = 4 in the configs even in config.ini
And it should work alright.. If I need to be more verbose, Let me know.
I might. Umm. I see where your going with the copy and paste. But then would you start two servers instead of one? Also. I know this is way off the topic. But i can't seem to find the thread where a auto restarter for the server is. if you could post me the link that would be great.

Ok i got eveything on and runnin. i can connect to the character select on my second server. but not the world server. I configured everything and it should be all right. i edited my roseon2 in my sql data base. and added eveything i needed. the characters i have atm on my first server. so they don't have to make a new account a fill all my shit up ^_^ but they must make a new character on the low rate. but i can't even connect to the world server. and if you watch your .batch file/world start up you see at the last one [INFO]: Player connected from but it does not say it when i start up my low rate world server. T_T any help would be greatful.
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