• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Help] Need Guidance

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
sorry to disturb but i am in full mind to make my own server but i am facing many problems from instaling to adding .the instaling and some problems were solved by the forum posted but i still lack guidance can i get and msn ids who can guide me throught plz help...
1) i am unknow about SQl
2) i am geting rouded wht to add and wht not to add
Re: Need Guidance

dont be hard on urself abhi, as we say 1st learn then try, thi saint a kiddy stuff, no one deserves to make a server unless he learns the basics.

Try to FOLLOW THE GUIDES made by some of the brightest guys over here, and follow it DONT ASK ANY STUPID Questions, if u dont know anything or want to know something SEARCH, if u cant follow this 2 phase solution, then Play A3India, no worries, y stuck ur self in a situation if u cant get outta thr ....

Re: Need Guidance

thz for that i read many of the post but this are not hitting my head so i need a oline guidance so can u give
Re: Need Guidance

i am able to do connect properly but the problem is i am not able to creat my own gm ac. and i want to know is there need to put password while puting clandb etc in system DSN it is there but think its difalt so please let me know the 2 of them..
i know every thing but i am unable get where to create an normal account is that the sa account or other if other tell me how to creat and where in which folder
I am able to get every thing but "HOW DO I CRATE ACCOUNT WHERE TO CREAT IT AND IN WHICH FILE IS IT"as the information give is writed in !!!!!.txt its in some other languge i am unable to get that .please GIVE ME THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN DETAIL
Thanking u
Account needs to be created inside SQL. Open enterprise manager and go to ASD>Account and create an account there. An example account should already be given with the DB itself.

Please search the forums before asking. All these have been already discussed. If you repeat this error again, I will close the topic.

Thank You.
I am using RaF-A3-PrO modded a3 server files 205 i have now fully made the server now only my problems are my LOGIN AGENT hangs most of the time and WHEN I LOGIN IT STUCKS AT CONNECTING AND THEN NO RESPONSE .please help me out i am using A3INDIAN CLIENT..PLEASE HELP ME

Change the client. The A3 India client is not compatible with the 2.02 server files. Get the gamehaze or the tiantian client for the time being. They are good and work well with the 2.02 server.

Login Agnet problem can be fixed by increasing your RAM.
still the same problem i have downloded the ttta3 client of 438 mbs and hexed the client still i am hanging at login screen with CONNECTING. no error in any server files .Do i have to download the (8.. mb file of Part 5 will it help and plz some one acess my pc and do it any one wanna help in MSN
Use a3client from TT or this who i release ?????? Oryginal TT client hawe changed connect ports.
i am using the TT file posted by u only,can u tell me in detail as i am using ur moded server files which client i shoud use as 400 mb downloading at a speed of 16kbs is not a joke for me just give me the link , i know u may have posted it but just to avoid mistakes and plz dont give links of file front as they are to slow to download and cannot be resumed.
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This is correct server ports client, you must only changed IP, search
sadi have taken that a long back from u only. i a fan of ur files taken every sing file except the client of 700mbs please help me as i am using the server files modded by u so u may know better than other about ur object so please help me out me on MSN([email protected]).

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