help needed

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well Akruz`s code isnt working...
i have the working code , but dont think i shld post :P
but i have some problems ... hope anyone can answer..
does the @ITEM/xxxx works?? means have anyone really used this command & it worked?
i have tried
all in kh chat & in friend list chat.. but never worked ... all other commands r working ...
any help??
@ITEM?xxxx <<< Works!! Tested 100% in Friendlist Chat, Add urself as a Friend & then chat with urself .... this Works.
for the item spawn...i think u better check ur syntax..... u r not typing the syntax correctly... errrr...sorry, i cant tell u the correct syntax as they said u need to search the forum..... all the command posted by akaruz working fine.....
for the item spawn...i think u better check ur syntax..... u r not typing the syntax correctly... errrr...sorry, i cant tell u the correct syntax as they said u need to search the forum..... all the command posted by akaruz working fine.....

OFFTOPIC: Sorry but had to do it.
Ah! Finally someone is doing his/her homework before posting. Makes work so much easier. Keep it up dude.
huh !! i m not this big noob that i ll put the super shue`s code in inv= slot..:bad:
anyways i already mentioned that i got the codes myslef ... so never tried to recheck Akaruz`s codes.. well this thread is going offtopic so i request a close thread..
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well i have some more questions regarding GM commands..
if there is any availiable command for
1. Ending Nevia war.
2. removing monsters which is spawned by @NPCSUMMON/ command
3. spawning more then 30 monsters (specially grnita olgocs) at a time
As far my knowledge is conserned about GM Commands & their Usage... To EDIT/DELETE any Specific NPC/Character u have to Select it SomeHow., as far as A3 is Conserned it donot allow NPC select option. In WoW u have Select option & u can specifically do wht u wanna do, being a WoW ServerAdmin i know, but if u cant select tht particular NPC or OBJECT how can u EDIT it under normal circumstances??


Note : Its only my Personal Opinion.

[1]About Nevia War command, i think i have seen something about a END command, i have to search for it, dunno for sure if it works or not if i find it i will POST it.
[2]i think i have tried to Explain it to u.
[3]The max number of NPC u can summon is 30, cuz its the map limitation, but Olgocs i think when u use the command they spawn 30 x 6. i mean to say tht since they split when attacked they come and come and come until all ( 30 X 5 or 6) are killed completly same for bats.
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