[Help] Nick Color L2J 

Re: Nick Color

//setcolor "code"

A few i know...

//setcolor ff333 (green)
//setcolor 00fff (red)
//setcolor fffff (yellow)

Try to gues a few.
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When i click on player and i say: //setcolor 0000FF then hes nick is colored, thanks but i have next problem: when he relog its color is again white... can any tell me how to change: Human and Orc is color nick Blue, Elf and Dark elf is color Blue. On other forums says: change it in java but i dont know how to change it. I very want to change it. Please help
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I dont know either. It is in java certainly. Try searching your self.

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can any tell me how to change starting classes (in char_templates) acces level? then elfs aces lvl 75 and it is color red (i changed it) and i change, acces lvl 75 and aces level 100 have notprivageles to use commands but how to change in char_templates to change acces level
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yes, try it.. not the "(green)" thing, just type this. //setcolor ff333

make sure you target yourself and them type it
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When i click on player and i say: //setcolor 0000FF then hes nick is colored, thanks but i have next problem: when he relog its color is again white... can any tell me how to change: Human and Orc is color nick Blue, Elf and Dark elf is color Blue. On other forums says: change it in java but i dont know how to change it. I very want to change it. Please help

I hope that if you'll add these codes in the right place than you will be able modify the color name for every race:

/* insert in config.java	*/
    public static boolean CLASS_NAME_COLOR_ENABLED;
    public static int     HUMAN_NAME_COLOR;
    public static int     ELF_NAME_COLOR;
    public static int     DE_NAME_COLOR;
    public static int     ORC_NAME_COLOR;

    public static int     DWARF_NAME_COLOR;
     /* .....	*/ 
                CLASS_NAME_COLOR_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("ClassNameColorEnabled", "False"));
                HUMAN_NAME_COLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("HumanNameColor", "FFFFFF"));
                ELF_NAME_COLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("ElfNameColor", "FFFFFF"));
                DE_NAME_COLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("DENameColor", "FFFFFF"));
                ORC_NAME_COLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("OrcNameColor", "FFFFFF"));
                DWARF_NAME_COLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("DwarfNameColor", "FFFFFF"));

/* insert in other.properties	*/
#set True if you want to config every race name color
ClassNameColorEnabled = False

HumanNameColor = FF0000

ElfNameColor = FF00FF

DENameColor = 00FF00

OrcNameColor = 000FFF

DwarfNameColor = 000000

/* insert in EnterWorld.java	*/
    /* somewhere in this function 
    	void runImpl()
		L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar();
/* 1st test cod ... try 2nd cod first*/
		if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 17)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 88) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 98)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 18) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 30)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 99) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 105)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 31) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 43)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 106) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 112)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 44) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 52)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 113) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 116)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 53) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 57)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 117) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 118)))
/* 2nd test cod -- probably the corect one*/
		if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x00) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x11)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x58) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x62)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x12) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x1e)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x63) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x69)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x1f) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x2b)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x6a) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x70)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x2c) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x34)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x71) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x74)))
		else if (((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x35) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x39)) || ((activeChar.getClassId().getId() >= 0x75) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() <= 0x76)))
i've thought off this last night and written these instructions in a hurry so i don't know if will work for sure ... test it if u want
I'll test it myself when i'll have more time ...
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