[Help]NPC Buffer (Hero's 1711) Need edit L2J 

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Junior Spellweaver
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Buenos Aires, Argentina
i need edit this file: ( htlm/default/35461.htm)

this file contains:
i need put here direct list of buffs. (for example Dances):


<tr><td><div align="center"><br>    
  Welcome Adventurer<br>
  I can give you quite usefull Support Magic.<br>
  <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9999_NPCBuffer"><font color="00FFBB">Buffs</font></a><br>

*Remplace for this:

<font color="00FFBB">Dances</font><br>
<tr><td><font color="FF0066">______________________________</font></tr></td><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 26"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Warrior</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 27"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Inspiration</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 28"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Mystic</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 29"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Fire</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 30"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Fury</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 31"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Concentration</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 32"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Light</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 33"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Aqua Guard</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 34"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Earth Guard</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 35"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Vampire</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 36"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Protection</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 37"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Shadow</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td></td><td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 38"><font color="FF9900">Dance of Siren</font></a></td></tr><br>
<tr><td><font color="FF0066">______________________________</font></tr></td><br>
<td><a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 1.htm"><font color="LEVEL">Back</font></a></td>

But if i remplace, the buffs not found.

Lo que quiero hacers es, poner directamente los buffs cuando se les hace click al NPC Buffer, sin tener que poner "Buff Me" ni "Songs" ni "Custom Buffs"
If i have understand correct, when you talk the npc he didn't find the html page. If this is the problem cut and paste the "35461.htm" file into the merchant directory. You can see here:

Greek:poutsa32 fenetai autos 8elei na kanei tris npc's pou 8a ginontai buffers apla ksexorista 0xa0a
English:poutsa32 thanks for that because i wanted to make npc's and a buffer haha
If you want to create a NPC Buffer:

Create a NPC and do a html for him. (Like yours)

<tr><td><div align="center"><br>    
  Welcome Adventurer<br>
  I can give you quite usefull Support Magic.<br>
  <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9999_NPCBuffer"><font color="00FFBB">Buffs</font></a><br>

Then go to jscript -> custom and to your NPC Buffer folder. (If you create new one ... just create a new folder)...

After this open the folder and create a html file there, example "1.htm"
Now for example:

<a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 26"><font color="LEVEL">Dance of Warrior</font></a><br>

The number 26 are important....

Open the "__init__.py" if you edit one, just do it. ;)

Search this:

if event == "2":

This mean its the number 2...if u want it then its this:

<a action="bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 2"><font color="LEVEL">Dance of Warrior</font></a><br>
You see, its not 26... ;)

Ok, now back again to 26...
Add over the "if htmltext != event:" a new "event".


			if event == "26":
If i have understand correct, when you talk the npc he didn't find the html page. If this is the problem cut and paste the "35461.htm" file into the merchant directory. You can see here:

in game, when u click on npc, i want it appears the list of buffs directly, not the phrase "Buff Me"
do u understand me now ?

for explample, click on npc and i want it show this:

i have already the list of buffs made. that is no problem. the problem is, i dont know english, lol :smiley-go
in game, when u click on npc, i want it appears the list of buffs directly, not the phrase "Buff Me"
do u understand me now ?

for explample, click on npc and i want it show this:

i have already the list of buffs made. that is no problem. the problem is, i dont know english, lol :smiley-go

So, you must question a Hero1711... But maybe you have bad version? Because I known two or much versions NPC buffer... Sent another version not trying fix... I recommend you..
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