[HELP] NPC to MOB \ Attack only magic how ? L2J 

Skilled Illusionist
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Mother Russia
1)How to make that NPC turned to the monster at a choice of an option in conversation with it? :trumpet: :ninja:
2)How to make that monsters attacked only magic?:SniperHea :bomb: (on Nightly)
Thx for answers
been there done that :P ... unfortunately mob's don't attack only magic if they have range 0 .... they just lose agro 8-| ... that thing can be done by addin a certain value to matk speed .... because as you know mobs don't use casting speed ... instead they have that thing in skillgrp D F Y or whateva' that dictates for who the skill is and the mob will use the animation of the skill as it's casting speed no matter if the mob has 10000000000 casting speed
i did that with baium skill .... striking of thunderbol ... i put D in front of animation(10x nicksp@ce) and baium has 2300 casting speed and he shot the skill in less than a quarter of a second ;)) so ... in order to find out how to shoot only skills you have to find the correct value for that :) because the skills will be shoot as normal even with 1 milion casting speed
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