[Help]Offline Mode


Feb 10, 2007
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I was wondering, is there a way to play gunz, offline-mode.
With your edited files, even tough it's solo.
Is there a way?
Yup, u can.
In debug mode.

Make shortcut to ur GunZ.exe. Go to it's properties and add this: /game "<mapname>" "debug" 00

My friend's learning ss with rocket launcher in debug mode (he doesn't have I-net at home).
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When you log onto it, you will be the Maiet character. It's level is like 98889898989 or something... It's got a sword and a rocket launcher if I remember right.
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Yes, this happens because the SQL Server hasn't been connected so it runs through a series of numbers taking the ones that can be used in game and splitting them.
It then has one number left and the client chooses that one in quickness.
There is a fix to actually tell the client which number to pick.
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hmm i did it when i gunz was down for awhile can u tell me where exactly in properties do i put this /game <Mapname> debug 00 .........?
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Stefan, remove my client. I quit Dgunz, so remove it.
Make your own crappy gunz client
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