[Help]Open Doors L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 2, 2007
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Quiero abrir unas puertas de algunas zonas, pero no se como.
Por ejemplo las de la entrada a "Core" en "Cruma".

Hay alguna forma de hacer que se queden abiertas?

English version

I want to open a doors of some zones, but I do not have a meal .
For example the ones belonging to the entrance to Core in Cruma.

does There be any form to do that they continue to be open?

Quiero abrir unas puertas de algunas zonas, pero no se como.
Por ejemplo las de la entrada a "Core" en "Cruma".

Hay alguna forma de hacer que se queden abiertas?

English version

I want to open a doors of some zones, but I do not have a meal .
For example the ones belonging to the entrance to Core in Cruma.

does There be any form to do that they continue to be open?

target the door and //open

for open all doors, //openall
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target the door and //open

for open all doors, //openall


Esos comandos ya los conozco, a lo que yo me refiero es a que esten siempre abiertas, desde el inicio del server y no tener que ir una por una abriendolas.

English version:

Those commands right now i know them, so thet i refer myself he is to than always open, from the beginning of the server and no having to go for one for one opening them.
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I suggest you to take a look on the Html files for the Clan Hall functions. They have the command for open the door.
By the way, each door has a unique ID (wich you can found in the static objects list or in the static.csv)
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Gracias por la respuesta.
He revisado los archivos que me dices pero no he encontrado nada.
He hecho varias pruebas pero no consigo dejarlas abiertas.
He le
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Sure thing
take a look, this a piece of an html file (located under html/doormen)

in this case the DoorId is 19210001 but u can replace it with the id code for the door u want to get open, the diference is that u have to make a npc to get the door open.

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 1, 19210001, 19210002">Open the Castle Gates</a>

this is a command for closing the same door above
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_close_doors 1, 19210001, 19210002">Close the Castle Gates</a>

Pay attention for this example opens the castle door (dont know wich ones is 'cause i didnt look at it, just used this as an example)

Well in case u want to work with python to make a quest opening the doors, i would tell u that it wont work very well, unless, of course, you set up an npc for global door opening system. First you need to download a Python GUI interface (dont know the address but it shouldnt be hard to found on the web) with it u can can compile the python file so that it loads normally in the server. Anything else just ask and we'll be glad to answer, if possible...:P
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Oh, i forgot....:D

here, in the same html file it has the command for multiple doors, u must know all the ids, the put them after the another with a comma, and Voilà!

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 1, 19210001, 19210002, 19210005, 19210006">Open All Castle Gates</a>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_close_doors 1, 19210001, 19210002, 19210005, 19210006">Close All Castle Gates</a>
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hy, I have a problem, i made a server for lineage2 c5 and it works perfect, but I want to play of my

server without internet connection, I started the server without internet but the game not, when I start

the game it says something About GameGuard error and internet connection, what showld I do?
help me (sorry for my english)
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Well, have you find any other door Ids? Try to replace (or create a copy of your current html files) and run the server > make a test. If it does not work, than i'll be glad to take a look into to it.
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hy, I have a problem, i made a server for lineage2 c5 and it works perfect, but I want to play of my

server without internet connection, I started the server without internet but the game not, when I start

the game it says something About GameGuard error and internet connection, what showld I do?
help me (sorry for my english)

Lineage starts an update for the gameguard each time the game is launched (im not sure if the GG bypass stops this event) but if u dont have an internet connection it will not update (or try to) your GG, so u wont play ina a pc with no internet connection. U should try to read more about fthe GG bypass, and see if it stops de GG update, if u cant find it (i guesss) u need the connection at least for the game start, later on u can close it (dial up...:D)
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