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[Help]Open doors L2J 

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hello ,

anyone have a quest to open the Doors?

Or other?

Or give it a command for global_task to open and close the doors?
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Re: Open doors

Not clan hall doors , not Castle doors.

I mean the doors like Toi 14th floor and all other.

First of all, ToI has no 14th floor door. U can add one by yourself if u want to
Again, use search, 'cause u have a question that has already been answered (by me, by the way)
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Re: Open doors

Use search, already answered in other topic

It isnt a answer in other Topics *omg*

Only Castle Gates , i dont mean the castle gates , Look in Frintezzas Room , on there are many doors,too. And player can't open this :( .
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Well i ahve same problems ..
I created a NPC of type L2Npc

gave it this:
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 1, 23150003, 23150004">I want to Fight with Lidia von Hellmann!</a><br1>
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_close_doors 1, 23150004, 23150003">Please Close the Doors i'm not ready yet.</a>
And nothing happens.
I tried with L2Doormen
But then the file id-no.htm is called..
So how can i open these doors?
(id's are okey)
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Well i ahve same problems ..
I created a NPC of type L2Npc

gave it this:
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 1, 23150003, 23150004">I want to Fight with Lidia von Hellmann!</a><br1>
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_close_doors 1, 23150004, 23150003">Please Close the Doors i'm not ready yet.</a>
And nothing happens.
I tried with L2Doormen
But then the file id-no.htm is called..
So how can i open these doors?
(id's are okey)[/quote]

Well, here we go again.

To properly open a door, you MUST set it as a taticobject in the proper file (if you dont know this already, then tou shouldnt be doing this...)

Then, You MUST check that it loads ok, the best way to do so is to define a common door (new, of course) and then use the coordinates of a visible location. Try it in Gludin, Gludio, well you got the point

After that you MUST try to open them via GM command (if the new door pass on this command, you should have no trouble addind them)

After all this, if it does not work, then someone else, more enlignthned than us on this matter should speak
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well its a door already placed as static object and work propper with gm commands but not with npc's :x
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