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[Help] Play computer games on your TV

Experienced Elementalist
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hi, i have seen people play their computer on their TV, but i was confused on what to buy? I know theres a card you need to buy to put in your computer, but these are my questions..

1. Do i need to buy a certain kind of card for a certain type of PC?

2. How much are they?

3. Where can i get them?

Thanks :)
Some answers i got off while searching for your computer.

either s-video cable, RGB cable. or dvi cable. you need on of this cable.
you plug onside to the comptuer and the other side to the tv.

Discount RGB Video Leads. Buy RGB Video Leads cheap online @ Maplin.

They are around 30-50 GBP
Which is like something like 65-80USD - pff i don't know bout that :P just a random guess.

Thats the website ^^^^ up top there.
Just see if your video card has an S-Video port. If it does then you can hook your computer up to your TV but if it doesn't then you need to get a VGA to S-Video converter.

Also if you have an HDTV it should have a normal computer port in the back of the TV set. And if you don't have an HDTV then it's not worth running a computer on it because the resolution is to low. At 640x480 it isn't worth it.

NoPeace - out
Yeah, If I were you don't even bother trying it with a normal TV. I've done it before, HORRIBLE quality, couldn't even read text on the screen.

If you can't read the text that's because your resolution was high. TV's do allow higher resolution then what they are spoused to be but you won't be able to read text unless it's at the proper one. =P

NoPeace - out
If you have HDTVs, your best bet would probably be to interface with them using VGA/DVI or even HDMI output, you probably wouldn't see much of a quality loss compared to your monitor. Using composite and s-video you will see a respectable amount of deteriation.
Check your video cards specifications (or look at the physical card) and see what kind of output it can do.

Keep in mind that standard televisions where built to display resolutions below 800x600 (approx 720