help please,GK L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 7, 2006
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Um okej, I try to change the GK, when you tele to coliseum you come in the middel of coliseum and i tryd to change it it says teleportto ID 2991 and i lookt in location.sql and its like 5 2991 and noone has those cordinates that the gk tele you to, so what SQL file should i edit in, cuz i lookt in thise files:
the HTMLS,files
The teleport.sql
Well what i can understand out of what u r saying is that, you want to add a location to your Gatekeeper.

The loc is the centre of Coliseum.

Would just be to execute the "tag" for the loc in the db and add it in the html for the Gatekeeper.
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I dont want to add, i want to modify the 1 thats already there, but i cant find right 1, and i tryd to do that, make a new tag and fix the html file but then it dident teleporto To coliseum at all.
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You need to run a tag that replace the current loc with the new one.

Even better remove the old and and put in the new loc.
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And you have to make sure that the ID in the HTML file matches the ID in the 'teleports' table.
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go to colliseum spot where u want to make the new spawn point
at admin panel on online chars click on ur char type down the coordinates and then in sql teleport table find colliseum and change the coordinates to the ones u just typed
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