[help plx]Hero 117 Bunnies problem... L2J 

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Oct 31, 2006
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Well, this is my problem... Someone's monsters have an error... and appears a giant bunny which you click in him... givez a critical error... How repair this problem?
In somethings ID's for polyself and polymorph, has appearing a giant bunny too, WhAt'z THAT? >_<

WeLlz... Thanks and help me please =P, See Yah! ^^
bro if you remember what is the ID of the npc go to the
after that go to npc,press search write the ID and change the second box with "IDTemplate" and the number you will put must be the actual one for the appearence
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what about the bunny prob? i have a few bunnies running around in some places, also using hero's pack..
when someone tries to click on the bunny = critical error and i cant find a way to remove these evil white things :|
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ye i would have removed them if i didnt get a critical error every time i click on them ... sooo that means I CAN'T SEE THEIR IDS to remove them from my DB... jesus ..:mail1:
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use Navicat.
enter in ur l2jdb open npc window and clic in filter wizard
"<click here to add> use id 1 or 2 it depends ur revision.
and dele npc :).. i want that and work :)

good luk
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lol man why do u keep on spamming useless posts when u didnt even get the idea/problem of the thread? well for one thing you are right the ID is 2 ..
('2', 'Rabbit', 'Monster.rabbit', '5.00', '4.50', '1', 'male', 'L2Monster', '40', '63', '44', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '30', '2', '10', '40', '3', '31', '253', '0', '253', '0', '0', '0', '50', '80', null, null, '0', '0', '20002', '', '0', '1');
for the bunny mob but this thread here isnt about these bunnies :O its about 'big bad bunnies' that make critical errors..
so pls dont overflood threads :juggle:
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this is my line of rabbit. (where says '20002' is null) copy my line and ok
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