[Help]problem creation new npc L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2006
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hi mens,the first thing patting oneself on the back the great work than you do between all
Now I tell you my problem:
I have created new npc for the dinosaurs' island ( to give you a certain amount of role )
I have not had any problems until to arrived the hour of modifying npcgrp.dat and npcname e.dat.he tried with fileedit, but you tell me with fileedit that of"cannot open file C\docume\admin.....el sistema no puede abrir el archivo especificadoa", leaving spaces trying thousand things than deciis on the set but no one T.T works also and proven with l2encdec, disam, decryt and all of it but when opening the customer you tell me than this corrupt.

I would like it if possible at all give me a solution to be able to modify it and work to me
Or if some charitable soul offer itself to create the .dat itself you would thank it for.
Thanks in advance
i don't know if bie opens article in English xD:scratch::scratch:

PD:No himself if this really would go here or not, if this is not its place to move it to erase it or make what you create opportune.

Hola se


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hi mens,the first thing patting oneself on the back the great work than you do between all
Now I tell you my problem:
I have created new npc for the dinosaurs' island ( to give you a certain amount of role )
I have not had any problems until to arrived the hour of modifying npcgrp.dat and npcname e.dat.he tried with fileedit, but you tell me with fileedit that of"cannot open file C\docume\admin.....el sistema no puede abrir el archivo especificadoa", leaving spaces trying thousand things than deciis on the set but no one T.T works also and proven with l2encdec, disam, decryt and all of it but when opening the customer you tell me than this corrupt.

I would like it if possible at all give me a solution to be able to modify it and work to me
Or if some charitable soul offer itself to create the .dat itself you would thank it for.
Thanks in advance
i don't know if bie opens article in English xD:scratch::scratch:

PD:No himself if this really would go here or not, if this is not its place to move it to erase it or make what you create opportune.

Hola se
Upvote 0
Si es para la C4 haz esto, abres el FileEdit (La ultima version mejor) y donde dice CHRONICLES selecciona C5 y te debe funcionar (A mi me funciona ^^)


Sorry I do not translate because I havent time, i just said how to fix it. Regards
Upvote 0
Si, mira, bajate el L2ENCDEC y ponlo en la misma carpeta que el archivo que quieras editar, vas a Inicio->ejecutar y escribes CMD entonces escribes:
cd c:\lineage2\system (o donde tengas el L2encdec y los archivos a editar y pulsa intro, luego pones
l2encdec -s archivo.dat y te lo descifrar
Upvote 0
gracias,y para encryptarlo de nuevo seria l2encdec -e 413 archivo.dat pero al ponerlo en el sistem y abrir el juego me dice que realiza un full check ya que ai archivos corruptos,a este paso me qugo un tiro yo o se lo doi al sistem xD:rocket:

thanks, and to encryptar it again serious l2encdec - and 413 archivo.dat but when putting it in sistem and opening the game says to me that check makes full since ai corrupt archives
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Si su cabecera es Lineage2Ver413,ya puedo pegarme 1 tiro?xD
if I am sure that it is version 413
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lalalala xD uso la H en lugar de la E y .....File was corrupted [Npcgrp.dat]. Please Full Check!!!:SniperHea:SniperHea:SniperHea
use H instead of E and ....File was corrupted [Npcgrp.dat]. Please Full Check!!!:SniperHea
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agregado xD,me parese k tiro mi pc por la vnetana xD:throw:
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Muy Simple:

Check File, Ke coloca todos los archivos oficiales.

Luego mete en tu sytem: (l2encdec.exe, el loader.exe, y el patcher.exe)
ke puedes descargar desde

y ejecuta "patcher.exe".

Con esto ya podras editar cualkier *.dat de tu system, y no saldr
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gracias vega,justamente antes de leer tu post estuve realizando exactamente eso que dices,incluso tras pasarle los archivos a rob y devolvermelos encrptados dice eso tan bonito y gracioso de File was corrupted [Npcgrp.dat]. Please Full Check!!!
:AR15firing:me pego un tirooooo xD
that same one I have done this behind schedule but it does not work says to me
File was corrupted [Npcgrp.dat]. Please Full Check!!!.
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