[help] problem with Trose.exe?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
[help] problem with Trose.exe? + Fix Trose.


i have a problemw ith Trose exe when i run the game and log on select my charr. then my Trose crashes? Anyone had the same? or anyone haves a fix?


Edit 13-04-07:

Fix for Trose download this file and extract it in your Rose Online folder!

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Re: [help] propblem with Trose.exe?

Yes fully update then go to trigger direct and set your graphic settings and everything.
Make sure you update first
Got the same, i think it has something to do becuz i recently pathced to ver 1.39 :/ anyone can help pls
Its not when opening the game but its when entering with your char.

Thanks in advance

I fixed it, try asking someone who does not have any problems to get there Trose.exe file by msn or w/e extract it in your rose online map and tatzaam you can play ;)
does any 1 have this problem but when i just move my mouse to wings or some swords that i spawned me game shuts down and says trose.exe error any1 know how to fix this and yes i did use a working trose
Yea I had this same problem however I downloaded the game from i had the one from roseonlinegame.com however they had a newer verison or something GG did however what i did to fix this is reinstall the game. :P
make sure your using the 128 verison

it can be found on this forum in a sticky :) if your using the one from roseonlinegame.com i think that one is a newer verion so dont use it use the 128 138 it will crash you and your people that try to play on your server :)
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