[help]rageonline v11 MySQL Error pleas help.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 12, 2008
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I'm not entirely a noob when it comes to setting up a database and setting up my config.php I am pretty sure I set it all up properly. However I still get this error.

I have read through some threads and have heard there are guides but I cant find them.

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/usr/local/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/content/s/i/n/sinner/html/universeofsin/db/mysql.php on line 13
mySQL no esta disponible por el momento, sentimos el inconveniente...

I had this same error with version 9 of the game too.
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I have godaddy.com hosting. I dont think they would be happy with me deleting stuff off their servers. Is it just the database program I'm using then? I guess I'll try setting this up on my private server then. If any one has a fix for this though I would be happy. I would rather use my website than my own server.
hmm i have no experiance with godaddy when it comes to mysql. i tested my database and it works fine i have no idea whats the problem really...

if i get any more problems with people installing the secured database, i will just make a DB installer... thanks for telling me this, in meantime try and test it on your home computer if you want :P

i will figure something out.
Ok I got to playing around with XAMPP and it runs the same MYsql as my go daddy hosting. however I did notice that my hosting runs version 4 of PHP I think this may be my problem. Out of curiosity does the server have anything to do with it as well? because my web host server is linux.

I will ask my host if they plan on upgrading to PHP version 5.

Ok I was able to install Omega Devolution Repack 0.9 on my website using the installer that was with it. so maybe thats all I need is an installer for your version. if you ever make one that would be cool. No pressure though.
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