[ Help] setting up ips

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2007
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I have an issue with "client intentionaly dropped ......" . Ive unhooked my PC from the router and rebooted it , my ip is now, ive set all my
ips in pgadmin, to , ive set my ips in the server config and backend.cs to this also anyone know how to resolve this ? Im wondering if it has somthing to do with the COdbFull folders ( there are nothing in them ) when i installed this server awhile ago i had to do a query and it put files in the folders . or is it my start up sequence ? I start pgadmin then the server ,then listen then CO Client.One more thing It would be nice if someone
could explain exactaly which ips go in each config to make a public server everything ive read here over the last 2 days is sorta vauge. What i mean is..

1. Server config file = Default server = local or or public
Pserver1 = local or or public
Backend.cs ( for c+ users ) =local or or public

Pgadmin =postgresQL Database should run on local or or public
server table =local or or public

I think this would help alot of people with there connection problems

Like I said the only ip my system had was, I put everything to this ip and still get the error does anyone know what is causing it ? I know it is going to be somthing stoopid but I cant find it
I'm pretty sure you can't use as the server's IP. I remember trying it and it didn't work until I put everything back to my global IP.

As for the IPs, just put your global IP everywhere. If you want to make a server for yourself, then just put your local IP, but don't use
ok some progress now. I am getting this :

Incoming connection request on ###.###.###.###
using default IP
Incoming game request from ###.###.###.###
Sucessfull authentication from ###.###.###.###
Auth Server : an acception from type "client has been intentionaly dropped form server "
ok ive found out port 5432 is not open in win xp pro sp2 and i cant get it open , ive searched the internet for a solution but cant find one , there are even messages in the postgress forumn about this but no awnsers, ive used
a port opening program but it gives a error on opening the port, the other 2 ports open fine, my firewall is disabled when i do this so thats not a issue
anyone have any ideas ??
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