[HELP] simple... L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2006
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Hi, sry that i post something that allrdy see on another threat but
i don't speak very good english and i din't get what they say...
my question is here:
i wanna change glows on the weapon per enchant "+"
i know only that u can change it from env.int
but in there on "env.int" i don't know where exacly i change it..
its very weard numbers & letters 4 me... i mean its not something like
"HTML" i know if i press on the google search: HTML colors i can find HTML colors... 4 exaple: "change color name" is another same search like this
that any1 know about those keywords 4 glow?

tnks... & i'm rly sry about my english, i'm doing my best ^_~
Bro ... i think u are brazillian so ... there are a lot of guides explaining how to do it ...so .. use the Search tool and be happy ^^

cara ... eu axo que tu eh BR intao vamo la .... tem varios tutoriais de como fazer isso ... usa a ferramenta Search e seja feliz ^^.
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Bro.. i'm not BR, but no matter...
i search 700 threat's coz search find only 5 threat's about "glow"
(not guide) some1 say a threat with name:
--- [Guide] Edit weapons glow colors ---
but i din't find it i don't think i search more in the threat's..
that number "700" is 2 much 4 me...
so if any1 know & can give me a list with all colors and how i change it
thats all i need tnks... sry if i make another threat 4 this but the other i found is not clearly.. tnks.
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