[Help(Soon Share)] Need Ideas for new admin panel. L2J 

Experienced Elementalist
May 11, 2006
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ok the admin panel in almost every server pack is outdated, lineage is moving to Interlude now, and it still doesnt have all the Nobless Skills/ Hero Skills/ All ports/ all items/ and many more things and maybe more commands? And less useless ones... (ex. big head).

Post your ideas and suggestions on what you want to see in my version of the admin panel or added to the GM Shop.

Btw, what html is the actually //admin html? i know where all the others are.
ok mobgroups menu!!

at status of player the nobles status (0,1)

//respawnall<----- doesn't work in any one serverpack <--- to make that work is better to add first do //unspawnall and after that //respawn--->

more things (true/false) from configs files!!

every time i save changes at editnpc criticals all the time!!!

if do that make the bottums too with this one new!!
that buttoms we use all at admin html is from C1 or C2!! :P

Wait they are more....

and lol man look your source files!!!

I was working on that but idon't have time for anything anymore until my team inish our work!!
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hmm i use hero pack 191 data pack rev 192 and my admin pannel has all c5 skills including nobless and hero :P + allot of nifty things .... maybe u just need to upgrade your version
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ok.. i have heroes rev 193, isnt that based off of L2j free? So then what is better.. what i am saying is...

L2j Free


Heroes Rev 193 based off of L2j Free + Heroes addons/fixes...
Im confused.

@NikSPACE Thanks for the info on the admin panel. I will figure out on how to do this and get my dev team working on it for a share. But easy things i can do now is add more things in the HTML parts.

One big problem.. i havent had this before. The GM Shop html in the gameserver/data/html/admin folder i changed, but when i do //reload html or restart the server it doesnt change. But i have done this before, what is wrong?
Btw thanks for the suggestions everyone
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