Wrong.. do you mean these?
Dennis wrote:
Here it is for the most part:
1000 Thunder
1001 Fire
1002 Tornado
1005 Cure
1010 Lightning
1015 Accuracy
1020 Shield
1025 Superman
1050 Revive
1110 Cyclone
1040 Roar
1055 HealingRain
1060 Summon
1075 Invisibility
1045 FastBlade
1046 ScentSword
1085 StarofAccuracy
1090 MagicShield
1095 Stigma
1100 Pray
1105 Restore
1115 Hercules
1120 FireCircle
1120 FireArista
1120 Blaze
1120 Inferno
1125 Volcano
1150 FireRing/Ball
1165 FireofHell
1160 Bomb
1051 Dash
1021 Fortress
1175 AdvancedCure
1170 Nectar
1180 FireMeteor
1190 SpiritHealing
1195 Meditation
1210 Disguise
1220 Stun
1230 Strike
3000 Fire
1250 WideStrike
1260 SpeedGun
1270 Robot
1290 Penetration
1300 Halt
5040 Boom
5050 Boreas
1310 Binding
1320 FlyingMoon
1380 Dance2
1385 Dance3
1390 Dance4
1395 Dance5
1400 Dance6
1405 Dance7
1410 Dance8
1280 WaterElf
1360 NightDevil
1350 DivineHare
5010 Snow
5020 StrandedMonster
5001 SpeedLightning
5030 Phoenix
8000 RapidFire
8001 Scatter
8030 ArrowRain
8036 Guard`sSpell
8002 Fly (XP)
8003 Advanced Fly
9000 Intensify
4000 SummonGuard
4010 SummonBat
4020 SummonBatBoss
4030 StandinBat
4050 BloodyBat
4060 FireEvil
4070 Skeleton
10200 Poison
10202 Meditation
10201 Cure
7000 Seizer
7030 Celestial
7010 Earthquake
7020 Rage
7040 Roamer
3050 CruelShade
3080 Dodge
3060 Reflect
3090 Pervade
Ill post here what it says in my db;;
Stigma and Tornado..