[HELP] /tele dont work?

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Junior Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah i type /tele Canyon City of Zant 5266,5104 and nothing happens is there a bug with that command that i dont know about?

this command dont work on my server nor the server im a GM on.
thanks man i was all lost im like hmmm i typed /tele myname then the mapname and it did nothing so i see now what you do the id is the number of the map like Zant is /tele 1 5242 5193

ahhh silly me god i love this forum it has no flamers on it for noobs man good forum to get help which is hard to find online without someone coming along and running them down for the lacking of knowledge :)

maybe you should try put it like this:/tele [map id] 5266 5104
for zant:
/tele 2 5266 5240
you could also type: /go
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