[HELP] U know java?? Show it!!! L2J 

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Skilled Illusionist
Dec 9, 2006
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Ok i have some new things in my head
and soon everyone will need that quest!!
But my knowleg is not that good in java!!:bad:

I am talking about weapons effects!!!

If someone can help!!! post and we will talk together any time!

Or just tell me how!!

Details? Pm!!

If works that will be a great share and first ever
make something like that!!!
Well buddy if u need learn java i recommend study .,.but if u need change some in a server L2J u need tell about ..and some people can help.. me too ^^ Be More Specific
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Men u think i am a noob??

I don't meant that glow i mean like zariche or aka !!! Or the new Interlud effects!!!

On offcial server like every body know zariche take his glow from Zariche lvl skill!!! Higher lever more glow!! and it have 3 stages!! In my share of Zariche And Aka*Manaf glow there at the final stage!!!
And when u take a level on zariche skill is an other effect!!
U know!!!
What the hell u never hold the Zariche on Offcial?

And Tobywan is not client side that think!!!
I was searching that 3 days !!!
Is server side!!!
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I still dont understand what you wanna make. A script that when you kill a mob your glow changes and so on and so forth.??!
btw: I've never hold the Zariche on Official :D
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