[Help] update Lineage2 gameplay L2J 

Elite Diviner
Dec 23, 2006
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Hallo guys i just play in a greek server called l2 blow(Not public only for some friends and because knew a guy that play he give me his pass and i played here a little)and i see that you can jump with backspace as wow.Also it had a very good keyboard movement not as the usual.So i just start to work on serverside to support a jump move and keyboard movement update.But i dont know client modding so if anyone can help plz post here

If anyone have the knowledge and free time to make client support jump move thx(If it is need it)
Re: Help to update Lineage2 gameplay

lol... u are trying very hard to mod the client... but :
1. u should try to ask the friend who did that... maybe he will help ya.
2. I don't know if you really can do this... maybe a game like l2... maybe it was wow modded to look like l2 ;)... so .. cause u need to make new animations for the jumping actions :D
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Re: Help to update Lineage2 gameplay

lol... u are trying very hard to mod the client... but :
1. u should try to ask the friend who did that... maybe he will help ya.
2. I don't know if you really can do this... maybe a game like l2... maybe it was wow modded to look like l2 ;)... so .. cause u need to make new animations for the jumping actions :D

I know but my friend is just a player not the server owner but thx
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Re: Help to update Lineage2 gameplay

probably u need the textures for jump...he should have a server patch

Nothing with textures, you mean animations.

Ezeral, you need to create animations, but i work only with Cinema 4D (for 3D), and there are no addons for C4D...
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Can you please share with us their patch? Because if they have jump on their server it is on their Patch file :) And if you share we can use it too and help you to find it Thanks, regards
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