[help][updated] questions

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Junior Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2012
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A few question that will help me better understand things...


1. im having trouble understanding some of the errors if someone could explain the errors and why they occur, so i can fix them and learn some valuable information?
errors from server files
2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:10   CEnvironment::LoadScript - Script Load Failed

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:10   OP: 10057243, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:11   OP: 1311, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:53   CDbManager::UpdateGuildRanking¿¡¼­ (RANKING.RANKING_DBF.dbo.RANKING_STR 'R1','01') ½ÇÆÐ
sql errors
2012/05/01	00:32:25
SQLSTATE:42000 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [3]. 
2012/05/01	00:32:25
SQLSTATE:01000 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "RANKING" returned message "Login timeout expired".
2012/05/01	00:32:25
SQLSTATE:01000 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "RANKING" returned message "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.".
i know what the sql errors mean i just dont know how to fix them.

i also get a big txt file with the name profileXXXXXXX.txt but im not sure this is an error file. i would like to know what it is.

client error files
2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:50   g_pPlayer is ready

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:50   ::LoadTextureFromRes : Item\ not found

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:50   CTexture::LoadTexture : Item\ read error

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:51   CWndTaskBar::SetTaskBarTexture : kabbage 2010

2012/ 5/ 1   00:32:51   CWndTaskBar::SetTaskBarTexture : kabbage 581
the LoadTexture errors i understand but will be hard to track the exact file giving me the error. (not looking forward to this).

anyways i would love is someone could help me with these errors so that i may fix them. as for the ranking error if someone has a script fix or something that would be awesome.

2. i have seem people's other server/client files and noticed alot of the files are in .res files. am i able to put my files like .dds/3do/ect into res files also and name them w/e i want. or is there some kind of code i have to write for the newly created res files to be read? And if i can put all these files in the .res file to for better organization can i then delete the files not in the .res file?

3. i put trasiea on the back burner for now and want to add elliun and desert. but im unsure what these files are named in the world folder, they are not named what you would expect. so does anyone know what the names of desert and elliun folders are?

4. for some reason my v15 server/client files did not come with a TextureLow file with textures in it. will this effect anything in my game or will i just not be able to use the graphic settings of low?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 13, 2011
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Re: [help] reading errors

Junior Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [help] reading errors


lol i have uninstalled, reinstalled the database using different backup and the all-in-one DB and have tried many times resetting the ODBC using different settings for the ranking, but i get same error every time. when i run the test for ranking on ODBC it runs successful, but when i start the exe's i get the error. idk tho. id really like to know what the other errors are
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Try to delete your old linked server [RANKING]
and make a new one

exec sys.sp_addlinkedserver  'RANKING', '', 'SQLNCLI', 'YOURSQLNAME\SQLEXPRESS', null, null, 'RANKING_DBF'

exec sys.sp_serveroption @server='RANKING', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sys.sp_serveroption @server='RANKING', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'


2. i have seem people's other server/client files and noticed alot of the files are in .res files. am i able to put my files like .dds/3do/ect into res files also and name them w/e i want. or is there some kind of code i have to write for the newly created res files to be read? And if i can put all these files in the .res file to for better organization can i then delete the files not in the .res file?

Yes you can. There is no need for any special code. Yea, but for the safety save the backup.

3. i put trasiea on the back burner for now and want to add elliun and desert. but im unsure what these files are named in the world folder, they are not named what you would expect. so does anyone know what the names of desert and elliun folders are?


4. for some reason my v15 server/client files did not come with a TextureLow file with textures in it. will this effect anything in my game or will i just not be able to use the graphic settings of low?

It won't affect "your" game. You just won't see the graphics on low also might cause some error spamming. Though I didn't try it without TexLow folder.
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
thanx for the info. in my client files i have a WdMadgrigal_re & a WdMadrigal1 would these be part of the WdMadgrial and are linked to WdMadgrigal or are they something else. i ask because i noticed that these 2 files are not in the world.inc. and im wondering if i have to copy those over as well to get the desert and elliun.

thanx for the datbase ranking fix worked great. im guessing that the linking script i was using from someplace else had a problem, but i dont know thanx guys
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