[Help] Website is blank??

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2006
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i folowed a rose online server setup guide and im stuck at starting a website.. i dont know what to do......

So if anyone could help me i can go on with my server.

rr spitfire - [Help] Website is blank?? - RaGEZONE Forums

so as you can see when i typed ''http://localhost'' the page is blank and i dont know why?

i tought maybe is the new internet explorer update?

Same problem for me!

I followed the guide and my server works great, but I can't put it online because of this problem...
I'm not using a router....got a modem only.....And know nothing about networks...

So please: how to make the guide's part3.1 "setting up web+site" work? How to make RoseOnlineCMS the working site it's meant to be??

Try to explain it in details please, as if I were 8 years old! :)
up! :)

Please someone who knows answer!!! I found a lot of answers for a lot of problems, but not for this one!
The "mega-guide" is amazingly well-done and easy (even for a noob like me), but part3.1 seems to be incomplete for me....I have no router!...

Please please help!
I have the exact same prob.

And i gave up

go :

its a md5 converter

just type in the password you want for yoru account

and it wil translate it to md5 text

then copy and paste that
and put that in navicat

thank you for this tip! I didn't even think about posting it....
I already did it, but it should be helpful for others!

......so......still waiting for a guide "as easy as mega-guide" explaining how to put it online when you have no router.
this is what i can suggest.

XAMP: check Xamp/htdocs

if theres no file then it should be blank.
othewise check if it has the right config:

XAMP: Open Xamp/apache/conf/httpd.conf

check1: DocumentRoot "D:/Websites"
check2: <Directory "D:/Websites">

my website root folder is in "D:/websites" so i put those
so, if your website is located in "C:/mywebsite"
then change those values to

1. DocumentRoot "C:/mywebsite"

2. <Directory "C:/website">

save and exit httpd.conf

Restart Your WebServer.
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@dyeprey: I put the CMS files in c:\programFiles\xampp\htdocs.....I checked the httpd.conf file, and it's this very path that is used as "documentRoot" and "directory".....so nothing to change, right?

@Phade: deleting it did not change anything for me....
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