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[Help]What to do??

Experienced Elementalist
May 5, 2006
Reaction score
hi every one i need some help coz i was joking with my friends sister and i pulled her hair and now she is pissed at me and so is my friend and i need away to make it up to her any ideas?
no it was a small pull like if you are playing :P

GoD! Why is the she making such a big issue out of it then..?
Did you try explaining it to her or her friend? Or were you just standing there laughing at what you did.
I guess she just doesnt like you and doesnt want you do play around with her.
Btw, Is hair pulling in South Africa mean something..?
Is hair pulling in South Africa mean something..?
no what do you think of south afirca its just like any other place in the world and yes i said sorry and she is making a big deal out of this and her brother is my best friend....so any ideas still plz i want my best friend to come and play MMORGs with me its not the same with my other friends i realy need help :(
LOL..!! All you can do is..

Go your pal. Try and explain it to him that you didnt mean to hurt her. If it did, then you are really sorry for it. If he is your best friend, he will understand.

If he doesnt understand, then he aint your best pal. Atleast this way, you get to know. He shouldnt be majorly pissed at such a small thing.
Just make sure that your version of the story and the version he knows is the same. Sometimes evil sisters tend to modify it.
lol! Just out of curiousity, how old are you hughrobbie? I mean, most guys over the age of 10 don't pull a girl's hair, especially when she's ur friend's sister's friend... Learn some respect, man :P
i am turning 16 and it was a damn joke >.> now i got to fix it!

maybe she's upset because you put nelson mandella in prison for no real reason?

Seriously though, I think maybe it's because you didn't pull hard enough or maybe you should punch her in the ovaries. Or maybe just appologise, its really up to you,

or we could have a poll

A)Pull harder
B)Punch her in the lower stomach
C)Say Sorry
D)Pretend it never happend.

Oh and is his sister like 2 months old, because thats probably part of the reason.

Seriously dude, you gotta stop invading womens personal space else next thing you know she'll be in court accusing you of rape.