[Help]When i killed a monster,world server down

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
tis is the error text file found in rose evo folder there.
log: start. (2007/03/16, 22:19:52) from(c:/program files/triggersoft/rose online evolution) version( lang(0)
os: tgt supported.
interface: dispqual(0)
interface: dispqual(3)
r_d3d: iNiT...
r_d3d: cUrMoDe (1152x864)-(22)-(60Hz)
r_d3d: adapter(0): desc(SiS 661FX), version(
r_d3d: best adapter ordinal = adapter(0)-mode(16)-(1152x864x32-full)-(75)Hz.
interface: vsync on.
r_d3d: fullscreen-mode(1152x864) enabled.
r_d3d: createdevice(force SWVP mode)
r_d3d: maxtexmem = 75497472
r_d3d: not support hw mouse.
r_d3d: initialize() force to use_multipass
r_d3d: check_glowable() ok.
r_d3d: iNiTdOnE
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
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octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
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octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
octree: cull_planes() no root
r_d3d: cLeAnUpDoNe
r_d3d: no d3d_device
log: end. (2007/03/16, 22:22:06).

and now here , inside my server folder , inside log folder , inside the worldserver text document , it list this :

Could not execute query: Unknown column 'ghost' in 'field list'
Query: SELECT ghost FROM list_maps WHERE id=22
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Sounds like a graphics issue, d3d errors usually show up when your graphics card isn't powerful enough... I hope I'm right :x

Or you could of just used up way too much memory on that pc, Could you tell me your system stats?
O.O my system stat ? huh ? 512 ram , intel pendium 4 , got 10GB ++
and when i play other ppl server , kill how many monster , also got no problem...
O.O my system stat ? huh ? 512 ram , intel pendium 4 , got 10GB ++
and when i play other ppl server , kill how many monster , also got no problem...

What is your graphics card though? And whats the Mhz/Ghz on your CPU? You realize The World server takes 40%+ of your CPU Right?
i can play ro also can play rose la =.= play other ppl's private server , kill how many monster , pick how many item , create how many nice equiment , also no problem z.z'
and now here , inside my server folder , inside log folder , inside the worldserver text document , it list this :
Could not execute query: Unknown column 'ghost' in 'field list'
Query: SELECT ghost FROM list_maps WHERE id=22

i think tis is the main problem , right ?
and now here , inside my server folder , inside log folder , inside the worldserver text document , it list this :
Could not execute query: Unknown column 'ghost' in 'field list'
Query: SELECT ghost FROM list_maps WHERE id=22

i think tis is the main problem , right ?

Yes.. It seems you tried to add a ghost spawn and failed.. I think you should check the Revisions or compile your own from source.
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