help with "invisible items"

Junior Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
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can anyone tell me why some of my items dont show up? i know its either because i dont have all the models "wich im 100% i do because ive got the most recent one" or its because in the zitem something is named for the wrong model. every time i try to add some new stuff the models seem to not be there. i can have the item. i can wield. but i cant see it or use it. anyone help please?
I've noticed some situations where this happens:

- You try to make an item dual weird, for example mesh name="Blade04x2", mesh name="RocketLauncher01x2", and your models do not support dual wield for that type of item. If this is the case, shouldn't be hard to fix it, I think that stuff is defined in weapon.xml in model.mrs. Not sure though, as I haven't messed much with models.

- You put an item in a slot that is not compatible with the item type. Example: weapon="frag" slot="melee"; weapon="katana" slot="range"

- I believe it also happens when, for example, you define an items mesh as a melee mesh. and define the weapon type as a ranged weapon and the slot as a ranged weapon. So, what I mean is, the Weapon Type must be a type that is associated with that slot, and the mesh must also be one that is associated with that slot. No rocket swords.

There are probably more ways this can happen, but that should give you an idea. Also, note that the syntax I used in my examples may not be correct. I advise you to study the model files if you want to break any of these prefabricated rules.

I'm trying currently to create a pistol that shoots rockets. The pistol shows up, since both pistols and rockets are ranged weapons, but the type of rounds fired seems to be defined in the mesh, so if I want to make a pistol that fires rockets, I guess I'd have to create a new mesh that is a copy of the pistol mesh, with the ammo information replaced with that of the rocket launcher mesh.
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well the whole thing is ive even used a whole package from a bunch of topics. like it comes with the man and woman models. npc models and even the model and system.mrs i just dont get it. everyone else said it works perfectly fine.
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well the whole thing is ive even used a whole package from a bunch of topics. like it comes with the man and woman models. npc models and even the model and system.mrs i just dont get it. everyone else said it works perfectly fine.

Well I don't know what files you used, etc. You're best off digging into the model.mrs and system.mrs and trying to figure out how to solve the problem yourself. If you read the Q&A thread, which is stickied in the Releases section, it will explain what files you need to replace if you see various invisible items. If your files supposedly don't need such modifications, it still doesn't hurt to try.
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Need help i help you, post the item you wanna add i will give you the right messname and if it needs some moddification at the weapons.xml i will post it.

I succesfully made, dual daggers, dual giant swords, dual shottys, dual rifles, dual rocketlaunchers, dual machinegunz, fake ap and hp kits, not gone release it.

But i will help you, because i'm bored of the zitem.xml changes i made the last 2 days.
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dunno if this helps but here is the item id's i guess. they are duel wield katanas. if you could could you do duel wield of the bright sword?[the one that looks like clouds] if not dont do it i dont mind. if this helps thanks alot
<!-- Double Katanas -->
<SELL itemid="502004" />
<SELL itemid="502005" />
<SELL itemid="502006" />
<SELL itemid="502007" />
<SELL itemid="502008" />
<SELL itemid="502009" />
<SELL itemid="35" />
<SELL itemid="36" />
<SELL itemid="37" />
<SELL itemid="38" />
<SELL itemid="39" />
<SELL itemid="52" />
<SELL itemid="53" />
<SELL itemid="54" />
<SELL itemid="55" />
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dunno if this helps but here is the item id's i guess. they are duel wield katanas. if you could could you do duel wield of the bright sword?[the one that looks like clouds] if not dont do it i dont mind. if this helps thanks alot
<!-- Double Katanas -->
<SELL itemid="502004" />
<SELL itemid="502005" />
<SELL itemid="502006" />
<SELL itemid="502007" />
<SELL itemid="502008" />
<SELL itemid="502009" />
<SELL itemid="35" />
<SELL itemid="36" />
<SELL itemid="37" />
<SELL itemid="38" />
<SELL itemid="39" />
<SELL itemid="52" />
<SELL itemid="53" />
<SELL itemid="54" />
<SELL itemid="55" />

post the zitem strings you use or at least one of them. Or add me to msn. That talks easier then here.

For Msn. click little butterfly under mine name. [email protected] is it :D
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