Help with Offsets!! plz

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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
guys i am trying to find the offset of a file but that all i know that its and offset but i dont even know what that is and how to look for it and if anyone can help well ill ty alot, another thing info- im trying to get it for a file called Neuz for the game called FlyFF online
An offset in this context is usually the amount of bytes from the start of a file that contain usefull info. For instance, the position of a certain setting you wish to adjust.

However, since you don't give us the file, don't tell us what you are looking for, don't tell us why you are looking for it or even how you plan on looking for it, this thread has about as much usefullness as a soap herring. So instead I'll lock this and let you figure out exactly what it is you want, then come back and make a new thread if things are still unclear.

Note that if your next thread is as vague as this one you'll recieve an infraction, so better make sure its clear..
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