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Help with overclocking

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Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Alright I have a FX 8150 with Water cooling Corsair H60.
I have it overclocked at 4.3ghz with stock voltage, ram is at 1600mmhz. I can easily reach 4.5ghz if I bump up my voltage to 1.368v, its stable and runs games fine, decent temperature.

This is where my issue comes into play, When I have it OC to 4.5ghz games like BF3 runs fine in campaign (everything maxed out with vsync on) but multiplayer my FPS drops to around 30 to 40 FPS, it struggles to keep at 60 (caspian border). Both my cards are only at 70% usage at all times.

So I came to the conclusion that I'm doing something wrong with my overclocking, I have yet tinkered with the Ram timing, I only have it at 1600mhz, If you have any suggestion, please let me know.

my rigs spec;

AMD FX 8150 OC at 4.3GHZ
8 Gigs of ram 1600mhz

1000 watt modular PSU
HD 6970 Crossfire OC at 950 Core clock, 1450 Memory clock
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit

I have lastest BIOS and latest drivers
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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I doubt it has anything to do with your OC. What's your CPU usage like while playing BF3 MP? I cannot imagine that your CPU is bottlenecking your cards.

Sounds to me like crossfire isn't working out that great. Tinker around with the profiles and settings and see what that does.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 14, 2006
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Did you try to disable vsync? Vsync doesn't improve your fps. Vsync matches your monitors refresh rate/frequency.
Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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well I did most of my windows update and it helped improved my FPS, it stays mostly at 60FPS (it drops), but it feels that I can get out of my cards. I do have a illegitimate copy of windows 7 ultimate, I can't get my SP1 update. Is it true that windows 7 runs horrible if you have an illegal copy?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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Unless you grabbed a massively infected torrent of the web, it's shouldn't be that really. Might be the drivers too, scourge around on the web too see which drivers are the best for BF3.
Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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i have latest Catalyst driver and profiles and latest bios too. I'm playing BF3 on multiplayer right now and it stays for the most part on 60FPS since the windows update that i've done.
Dec 3, 2006
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well I did most of my windows update and it helped improved my FPS, it stays mostly at 60FPS (it drops), but it feels that I can get out of my cards. I do have a illegitimate copy of windows 7 ultimate, I can't get my SP1 update. Is it true that windows 7 runs horrible if you have an illegal copy?

Windows seems to be preparing two updates for bulldozer cpus, maybe that's what you installed the other day. I doubt it though. Also, about windows 7 running bad with illegal copies, well I guess that depends who has tinkered with it before you downloaded it and anyone who has the skills to release pirated versions definitely has the ability to do any good or bad modifications to it.
Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Did you read my post above?
Yes I have, vsync is not the problem, my monitor refresh rate is 60hz. I play on a 23" acer monnitor.
Windows seems to be preparing two updates for bulldozer cpus, maybe that's what you installed the other day. I doubt it though. Also, about windows 7 running bad with illegal copies, well I guess that depends who has tinkered with it before you downloaded it and anyone who has the skills to release pirated versions definitely has the ability to do any good or bad modifications to it.
Yeah I read about that, but they pulled out the update.

Other games like swtor, who I can, for the most part keep a steady 60FPS with everything maxed out and vsync. but when battle happens it goes to poop. same with AoC, I couldn't keep a 50FPS on that game. but then I researched and found out both games engine and coding are poop.

my timing on ram is 2t 9-9-9-24 (stock). I had to switch it from t2 11-11-11-28
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