help with quest progress and Trigger Server/System

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2013
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(Solved) help with quest progress and Trigger Server/System

im having trouble with the quest progress, i can send the confirm step packet but it always completes the quests, there is no progress, no monsters kill count or trigger objects count,

im having trouble understanding the trigger system
for example:
    enum { ePROGRESS_QUEST_INFO_MAX_SIZE = 256 };
    enum { eCUR_VERSION = 0 };

        byVer = eCUR_VERSION;
        tId = NTL_TS_T_ID_INVALID;

        memset( &uData.sQInfoV0, 0xff, sizeof( uData.sQInfoV0 ) );
        uData.sQInfoV0.wQState = 0;
        uData.sQInfoV0.tcQuestInfo = NTL_TS_TC_ID_INVALID;
        uData.sQInfoV0.taQuestInfo = NTL_TS_TA_ID_INVALID;

    unsigned char                            byVer;                // 버전
    NTL_TS_T_ID                                tId;                // 퀘스트 아이디

    union uDATA
        struct sEXTENDED_POSSIBLE_V0
            unsigned short                    wQState;            // 퀘스트 상태
            sMAIN_TSP                        sMainTSP;            // 퀘스트 진행 포인터
            sEXCEPT_TIMER_SLOT                sETSlot;            // 예외 타이머의 저장 슬롯
            sSTORAGE_SLOT_MEMORY            sSSM;                // 저장 슬롯 메모리
            sSTOC_EVT_DB_DATA                sSToCEvtData;        // 서버 이벤트 데이터
            NTL_TS_TG_ID                    tgExcCGroup;        // 실행할 클라이언트 그룹

            NTL_TS_TC_ID                    tcQuestInfo;        // 퀘스트 정보 컨테이너 아이디
            NTL_TS_TA_ID                    taQuestInfo;        // 퀘스트 정보 액션 아이디
        sEXTENDED_POSSIBLE_V0                sQInfoV0;
    uDATA                                    uData;
so what are those fields in this struct, and where do i get their values? i dont see them in any table or packet structure :dontknow:

comments are much appreciated.

note: as you can see, im working in the c++ source , hopefully more people can help now.

i solved the problem, my solution was to check for packet->tcNextId == 3, then send a packet called GU_QUEST_SVREVT_START_NFY with the following fields:
taId: this would be packet->tcNextId (i think that this field stands for TriggerActionID, which im not totally sure of what its function is just yet)
tcId = packet->tcCurId
tid = packet->tId

the way i built the packet was as follows:
//in the GU_TS_CONFIRM_STEP_RES function, build the GU_TS_CONFIRM_STEP_RES packet normally but dont send it yet
//then we do this
if(packet->tcNext == 3) //if the quest has an event, or whatever
    //build the GU_QUEST_SVREVT_START_NFY packet normally, get all fields from the received packet
    //send the GU_QUEST_SVREVT_START_NFY packet
//send the GU_TS_CONFIRM_STEP_RES packet here

i beleive that the next step is to get the quest item/object and update the client by sending a GU_QUEST_SVREVT_UPDATE_NFY packet.

i know that this thread is mostly dead i would say, but i refuse to keep knowledge to myself.
im not the best, and so is my code, but i hope this would be helpful in any shape or form to someone in need of it.

please feel free to correct me if im wrong, or ask questions.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 19, 2018
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you will not receive an answer from anything about the dragon ball server and I can not help you because I am not in the search yet I am in the mob system. If I were I could help you. Discordia : Meliodas#0682
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 25, 2015
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Hello you can talk to me in discord, on a subject of dbo tw weertoop

My discord is this Adri1998[DEV]#7642