Help with questdata.txt L2O 

Mar 29, 2006
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Hello all,

I have downloaded the "Retail" C4 Server files.
My purpose is to study them only (how all things work etc) since I have no interest to start a server.
Anyways ... I have gathered some server packages in the past witch I couldn't study a lot cause of many missing files.
I remember that one of my packages had the file questdata.txt included in the server files. This file actually had all scripts from every one quest of Chronicle1. I downloaded the retail C4 package from a forum link just to find this specific file. I extracted all the files from the package ... but I cannot find this file anywhere. Should it exist in this server package? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Maybe this file is merged/encoded into another file of the pack? And how can I get it?

ty for your time :) :)