[help] With Quests

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
sydney australia
Again I need help with my quests alot of help this is the last thread of help i am making since everything else is straight forward

1: how do i add Skeleton Quests in Dungeon
2: how do i add Palmpoa Quests in Dungeon
3: how do i add Kobolt Quests In Prison
4: How do i add Unholy to Dungeon quest boss
5: How do i add Kobolt King to Prison Quest Boss
6: How do I add Palmpoa King To Dungeon Quest boss

Other then all that my server is fine
1: Using the default Dungeon Quest from ijji
2: Using the default Dungeon Quest from ijji, substituting skeleton npc with palmpoa, depending on your npc.xml (Also various xml files needs to be edited)
3: Using the default Prison Quest from ijji
4: Using the default Dungeon Quest from ijji
5: Using the default Prison Quest from ijji
6: Using the default Dungeon Quest from ijji, substitute the key_npc with palmpoa king, hope you'll put more time into it and familiarize with them

If you still can't figure it out, post what you want precisely and I'll try to come up with it.
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