Help with Realm Loop and Searching on Forum

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
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Hey i am looking for some help with this realm loop issue. I have been searching around on this forum for a reason why when I put my IP address for people outside my router to connect, i get the realm loop. Now reading all these forums which didnt seem to help me I heard replies on "Search the forum n00b" or "ive answerd this 100000 times" Hey if you can give me a link to the forum that fixes my problem please do so i dont wanna waste anytime. I have followed the mangos setup for and it works fine on a single player standpoint. Local host works great an i can log in jump around (tried flying but that didnt work the stupid mount just jumped) whatever fantastic. But i am getting the realmlist loop problem when I put my IP address in. I am not looking to host a big server nor do I want to bother getting a no-ip address or a static one yes i DO NOT MIND replacing my ip address in the file and i do not mind replacing the ip address in the navicat realm list thing. When i replace the ip address in the mangosd.config and the realmd.config file all it does is open then quickly close out. when i have the localhost and have the ip address just in the navicat i get the realm list loop issue.

Can someone please tell me how to fix this...I saw someone with pretty much a similiar problem on here but sadly they edited there post and just said they fixed it without saying on how to...and im sorry if your gettin pissed at me because you think i am a n00b or whatever but i just want myself and a few friends runnin around testing out classes for when we play the real game blah blah blah...If someone can please help me i would be greatful...even if you just wanna send me a link to an older post...but i just cant seem to find anything...thanks
if you are behind a router, just forward wow ports and put your WAN IP into the realmlist, thats all. the mangos.conf and realm.conf dont need any changes.
The ports have and been forwarded for some time. Actually I was able to run an older client of mangos awhile back (i think back in november or so) and people were able to connect no problem...then one day no one was able to....a reformat later i am attempting to do this over again with all the ports still forwarded and such and getting a realm loop issue
I will assume that your friends can play over the net. If so you have your server and router configured correctly. The problem, if I understand, is that You yourself now can't access the server.

The problem is that there are 2 locations where the client reads the address it needs to connect to. tells it where to log in, and once that's done and you choose a realm it reads the host/ip from the DB to tell it what server to connect to. For most of us we only have 1 realm and this is redundant but that's the way it works. If you had a hostname this would be an easy fix on your end alone, just set YOUR hosts file to resolve your hostname as, or the lan ip of the computer running the server.

If you don't want to use a no-ip or dyndns address then here is what you do:

Pick a name for your server. Call it anything at all but everybody who wants to connect has to use it. For example we'll call it 'fred'.

Everybody's should point to fred. The reald address in your DB should say fred.

Your friends should add a line to there hosts file that says:
fred x.y.z.w

where x.y.z.w is your internet ip

YOU need to add a line to your hosts file that says:

substitute the lan ip of your server if it's not on the same machine you play on. I run mine on my 'server'.

When someone wants to play they fire up the client and it says 'I have to log in to fred'. Windows says fred is $ip so it goes there and connects. The realmd says the realm I want is at fred. Again, windows resolves fred to the correct hostname and it connects.

And if your ip changes your friends will need to update their host files but you wont. If you had a hostname they would not need the line in their hosts file and everything would be automatic for them.

This configuration I have from your advice above now puts me at a standstill it seems at the handshaking / success screen where it doesnt get past that now. When you said to put the server "fred" into the db are you speaking of the DB info slot in the realmd in the navicat sql slot where you name the server and such? and do i just place the name "fred" in there? or does the ip go into it like fred.###.#.#.# ?
This configuration I have from your advice above now puts me at a standstill it seems at the handshaking / success screen where it doesnt get past that now. When you said to put the server "fred" into the db are you speaking of the DB info slot in the realmd in the navicat sql slot where you name the server and such? and do i just place the name "fred" in there? or does the ip go into it like fred.###.#.#.# ?

Yes that's where it goes in the DB. There has to be at least one blank space between the hostname and the ip:
fred x.y.z.w

And only the word fred goes in the DB.

The host ip line goes in your hosts file.
if none of this works, what the problem was for me is in realmlist in ur sql database realmd_bc, adress may be set as "localhost" or something but it MUST BE SET AS YOUR EXTERNAL IP
I appreciate all your help guys...I will test out all your great advice tomarrow (today? tuesday) with a friend of mine and see how it goes and ill update this if it goes well or not...Thanks again guys