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Junior Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2007
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<Server Notice> All servers are currently undergoing scheduked maintenance. Please Refer to our official website for notices regrading restorion of server access. Thank You.

When I try to login to my server thats what i get the message box.

Also Icant register accounts i have no accounts yet but it keeps saying there already in use this is my firest time using this. whats wrong?
Do you have the Right Edits in the Worldserver.cfg charserver.cfg and the Loginserver.cfg ?!

You need The right IP's and in the Database you need The right Ip's too xD

can you tell me your Worldserver.cfg charserver.cfg and the Loginserver.cfg ?
I have the same problem do i put the all cfg ports to 29000 and if that work do the same for 29100 and 29200 or is there the order in which they need to be applied?
yea i think i forgot to port forward in my router btw thats alot of ports to open for 1 router i dunno what im do if i need to open other ports for my other computers lawl. i have a linksys wireless -G router :D
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