Help World Server

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
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Right Last Problem The World Server Please Help Asap.

Pokle - Help World Server - RaGEZONE Forums

Looks like you are using revision 16, were at revision 30 right now. I would try using the newest revision, otherwise I don't know a lot about all that sql stuff.
Its a bug in the server when you reboot before you close the servers(I've had the same issue before)
It also errors like that to broken quests.
Invalid or broken items as well
I've removed everything that gave an error and my servers become much more stable
As for the other thing
If you get a SIGSEGV every time you open that server
Its not a DB error and its not because of your revision whatsoever
What you do is backup your accounts, chars and anything important.
Wipe the DB to the Revision you're using.
Open the servers, Replace the original tables with your backups.
And its back to normal.
Post A Direct Link To Rev30 Please As Im Not Sure What Rev I Have.

Also I Might Be Using Rev30 So What Could My Problem Be?

is a link to the osrose svn. is someones compiled rev 30 from rapidshare. I would suggest that you learn how to compile it yourself though, rather then relying on other people. By the way, don't forget your .

This Is A Problem With Either My Sql Database. Or Server Files I Downloaded The Files Yesterday, From Akai's Thread.
(from other thread)
This would have been useful to add to this thread rather then a new one.
I'm not sure what database files are in that download, but I would just get the ones from the database svn, those are sure to be the newest.
As for the the SIGSEGV, there is a topic at the about that, seems it will be fixed soon
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I Recomplied Iv Done Almost Everything. Installed The Os_rose svn On My Database about 50 Times. This Is Almost Definatly The Problem Can Someone Just Clarify The Exact Error And How To Fix It?

I execute the worldserver.exe and this is what I get. Note I've tried REV30 and 59.

[INFO]: Autosaving Every 2 minutes
[INFO]: Connected to MySQL server
[LOADING]: Loading STBs: |=================|
[INFO]: Skills loaded
[SQL]: Could not execute query: Table 'roseon.drops_data' doesn't exist
[SQL]: Query: SELECT id,itemid,probability,level_min,level_max,level_boss FRO
rops_data order by id
[ERROR]: Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...

And REV59

[INFO]: Autosaving Every 2 minutes
[INFO]: Connecting to MySQL
[INFO]: Connected to MySQL server
[ERROR]: Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...
I had one like this before. Make sure you clean before you rebuild all. Backup important data and wipe your original database. Execute batch the new sql database then restore your backups. Use only database provided with Rev59.
getting the same error with rev 45 and now with 59 as well and I found out that it occures when the worldserver tries to load any .cvs file from the \data\ folder
somewhere I read that the atoi function is OS dependent so u'd have to edit/recompile the code :)
I'll give it a try later on

srry I did put my glasses on hehe when loading the cvs files the atoi function isn't called ;)
taking a look at the source right now and try to figure out what the problem is
the problem is in the cvs files :)
first there is a newline at the end of each file which causes the worldserver to crash and some other stuff where in the cvs files aren't enought entries in a line (product_data and equipment for example)

maybe not the files directly but the function that reads them etc
\wordserver\extrafunctions.cpp on line: 944
return atoi(tmp==NULL?0:tmp);
return tmp==NULL?0:atoi(tmp);

and \wordserver\extrafunctions.cpp on line: 950
return atoi(tmp==NULL?0:tmp);
return tmp==NULL?0:atoi(tmp);

compiled it
removed all newlines at the end of the cvs files
and now it works
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