[Help] Zoneserver Error

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 8, 2005
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Help me pliz Zoneserver error
MELLROCA - [Help] Zoneserver Error - RaGEZONE Forums

Help Me PLiz :hands: :sad_2:
You are either the 8th or 10th person to post this. Honestly don't you guys know how to search?

Anyway, itemevent zoneserver error. First, did you set up the itemevent sql db correctly? Then the ODBC entries. Followed by the proper sql logins. Are they done correctly?
You are either the 8th or 10th person to post this. Honestly don't you guys know how to search?

Anyway, itemevent zoneserver error. First, did you set up the itemevent sql db correctly? Then the ODBC entries. Followed by the proper sql logins. Are they done correctly?

1.- db.sql restored.
2.- SQL login Creted
3.- my ODBC
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00












"LocalServer"="SQL Server"
"A3RcvResult"="SQL Server"
"A3SerialList"="SQL Server"
"FriendDB"="SQL Server"
"NEWASD"="SQL Server"
"Login202"="SQL Server"
"EventA3"="SQL Server"
"A3Friend"="SQL Server"
"HSDB"="SQL Server"

"DefaultDSNDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\ODBC\\Data Sources"="(Local)"
ahh well if searching doesn't help,try looking from the last page (did work for most of my server probs)cause they have been posted many times earlier....if u have re-check all ur ODBC entries n re-tried the guide again but still got the prob try this soltuon(if it doesn't work try the alternative[the 2nd one worked for me in the first shot]) :

1)Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL server > Enterprise manager > then enter ur SQLserver groups n into local > Security > logins > now check if u have the login user "a3serial" with password "dkdlxpawprhdnpc" with db owner as A3ItemEvent,if it does not exist create one n set the db owner as "A3ItemEvent",if ne part of the user is wrong delete it n create a new "a3serial" with all required stuff (i.e. correct password n db owner of A3ItemEvent).

Still got the prob try this....

1)Go to enterprise manager >> A3ItemEvent Database >> Users >> now u'll see two user names out here namely,dbo and a3serial key >> deleted a3serial key >> now go back into Security file n into Logins,the "a3serial" user will be there >> delete the login n create a new "a3serial" with password "dkdlxpawprhdnpc" but DON'T set it as the owner of "A3ItemEvent" >> go back into database files >> into A3ItemEvent >> Users >> right click here n select New Database user option from the drop down menu >> type "a3serial" in "Login name" (or select it from the options already in drop box) >> once "a3serial" is selected check the "db_owner" check box.....click OK n ur done....hope this helps
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Dude, the Moderator himself has told you.
This bloody problem was explained by myself atleast a hundred times and a thousand times before that by various people.
Please do a search before posting and making a fool out of yourself. All you are doing is wasting your time and our time.
Dude, the Moderator himself has told you.
This bloody problem was explained by myself atleast a hundred times and a thousand times before that by various people.
Please do a search before posting and making a fool out of yourself. All you are doing is wasting your time and our time.
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