
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 6, 2006
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I followed the tutorial and all works but i noticed that in the store there are less items than normal and no premiums... i saw many server with alot more items in stre can u tell me how to get a decent amount of items in shop?
thanks.... but where is a list of all item ids? :P
And i've got 2 other questions...
can you tell me how to add ports on windows firewall to make the server work also with windows firewall active?
why when i try to edit the procedure InsertChar to edit starting lvl and bounty e get errors when i try to run the query?

sorry for bad english :)
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ok thanks... and someone can help me with the other problems? :)
myself said:
can you tell me how to add ports on windows firewall to make the server work also with windows firewall active?
why when i try to edit the procedure InsertChar to edit starting lvl and bounty e get errors when i try to run the query?
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-- =============================================
-- Author:		<RepublicOfAstra>
-- Description:	<spInsertChar Procedure>
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInsertChar]
@AID tinyint,
@Charnum tinyint,
@Name varchar(50),
@Sex tinyint,
@Hair tinyint,
@Face tinyint,
@Costume tinyint

INSERT INTO Character(AID, CharNum, Name, [Level], Sex, Hair, Face, Costume, XP, BP, HP, AP, FR, CR, ER, WR, KillCount, DeathCount, PlayTime, CIID, FriendCID, CLID)

VALUES (@AID, @CharNum, @Name,99 ,@Sex, @Hair, @Face, @costume, 999999,9999999999999999,
0,100,1,1,1,1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

It's the one I use, it seems to work pretty well. Just modify the lvl, BP, XP, etc. I have mine set to lvl 99 by default, and I never bothered to fix the XP to make it appropriate for a lvl 99.
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i get these errors with the qury.... sorry if they are in italian but my MSSQL is in italian :P

Messaggio 207, livello 16, stato 1, procedura spInsertChar, riga 19
Il nome di colonna 'CIID' non
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hey i've got a strange bug.... i was testing the serevr with a normal acc and in a quest i lvled up to lvl 7 and when i finished quest and exited the room i was lvl 50! -.-
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