hey all k i got an big problem (private server)

Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
i finaly could log in to my privat server! yay
ok here is the problems:

1. wat is the higest nr. of gm u can be?(gmlevel)

2. i get the realmlist but i cant get in to my server "bloodfang"

3.im trying to make the server in les than 24 hours and its 1hourleft
omg, Rishwin... what you been smoking? o_@

@bloodfangrw: this IS the right section, so don't listen to rishwin... Anyways, if you're using Kobold, the highest GM level is 3, but if you're using MaNGOS, the highest is 6. Oh, and to fix your server problem, read through the guide you used again and make sure you did everything.