• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Hey Guys I got the best new ever!

good luck :O !!

i thought that wii is not good :S batteries and stuff plus you need all the time a friend to be with you so you can really enjoy it :)
Hmmm lets see... I use to work at futureshop doing night shift work last year when the 360 came out.. Its funny how many people showed up at midnight waiting for it *Store didnt open till 9. And there was like 12 people lol.* So the 12 stayed there for hours waiting for their 360's. This was in Dec and I got mine in march the prem package and I didnt order mine. I waited a bit heh. 360 I think is the best system by far, I heard when people waited for the PS3 some got shot like who does that? And then the wii is for kids or families.

Oh yeah chances are if you bring anything to a chicks house it will end up having doileys on it with pink stickers. Me I just dont do that, I bring something alittle more err well something thats rated M and up. Call me romantic. I used my tax return to get my 360 :P.
wii's have been out for ages here, IN YOUR FACE US&A
Josh 1 month isn't "ages" okay? Walmart just got the shipment in a week ago and this was their first shipment since christmas eve.
And silentspanky I'm 18 and I think the wii is better than the 360 because I believe it's going to have way more party games for it.
Bah party games can be fun true true, But you wont find qualitiy graphics etc then from a 360. All though the wii is for fun period. You wont find anyone playing gears of war on it thou. Or rainbow six las vegas.