Hey Hulkster....

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Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
I Advise You To Change Your Fucking Location You Dirty Fat Sweaty Fucking Goneria Infected Fanny Before I Do Something You May Regret You Little Fucking Twat.

Just Because You Dont Know Your Mum Since You Were Scraped Off The Brothel Wall Doesn't Give You Any Fucking Right To Insult My Mother Ok? Dipshit
DonTonberry said:
I Advise You To Change Your Fucking Location You Dirty Fat Sweaty Fucking Goneria Infected Fanny Before I Do Something You May Regret You Little Fucking Twat.

Just Because You Dont Know Your Mum Since You Were Scraped Off The Brothel Wall Doesn't Give You Any Fucking Right To Insult My Mother Ok? Dipshit


he wasnt banned, at first it was a fake title but now hes banned for a bit again!:hail:
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Did he really set up that location by himself? Kinda asking for trouble...
Tonberry was the 1st calling me a perve FOR NO FUCKING REASON, ok.

Next Chrono copied off of him and called me names.

I never bother or even know you two, and have to start with me.

I only said Neo "WOW, shes a goddess" and them two start trouble.

Why is everyone so negative against me, especially DarkB and you all?!?!?!? I apologized for the other stuff back then. Then mental gets pissed because I started a topic about an item on ebay and its ok for everyone yo make their own topics. Everyone freaking hates me, man....
DonTonberry said:
He Was Being A Bastard, There Was No Need For Him To Do It So I Flipped. Lol

The 7 Cans Of Fosters Is Also Fueling The Day :)

I Got 30cans For
Avatar2000 said:
Tonberry was the 1st calling me a perve FOR NO FUCKING REASON, ok.

Next Chrono copied off of him and called me names.

I never bother or even know you two, and have to start with me.

I only said Neo "WOW, shes a goddess" and them two start trouble.

Why is everyone so negative against me, especially DarkB and you all?!?!?!? I apologized for the other stuff back then. Then mental gets pissed because I started a topic about an item on ebay and its ok for everyone yo make their own topics. Everyone freaking hates me, man....

tbh u make this forum worth reading
Avatar2000 said:
Tonberry was the 1st calling me a perve FOR NO FUCKING REASON, ok.

Next Chrono copied off of him and called me names.

I never bother or even know you two, and have to start with me.

I only said Neo "WOW, shes a goddess" and them two start trouble.

Why is everyone so negative against me, especially DarkB and you all?!?!?!? I apologized for the other stuff back then. Then mental gets pissed because I started a topic about an item on ebay and its ok for everyone yo make their own topics. Everyone freaking hates me, man....
lol like I sed 2 Don- Don't b soft :tp:
hey.... saying anything about neo is kinda harsh.... if you say shes good looking tho... im not gona say 'bad man' yeah she is... but im guessing this is allot more. Ive known don for a long time and most of the other people. Sorry but im gona belive them for now.. gona stay neutral coz i dont know the full story. Oh well.... seems like uve let yourself down again hulk :(
Avatar2000 said:
Why is everyone so negative against me, especially DarkB and you all?!?!?!? I apologized for the other stuff back then. Then mental gets pissed because I started a topic about an item on ebay and its ok for everyone yo make their own topics. Everyone freaking hates me, man....

1. u set the new forum spam record (even beat SIC :P)
2. You take a FORUM too seriously, its the internet, get over it.
3. saying sorry does NOT make it go away
DarkBahamut said:
1. u set the new forum spam record (even beat SIC :P)
2. You take a FORUM too seriously, its the internet, get over it.
3. saying sorry does NOT make it go away

agreed... there is a limmit. If you do this stuff more than once people dont forget about it. Sorry man but u really are letting yourself down. You were already on thin ice... i think u just broke through :ehwatever
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