hey need help with ae and log-in

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2007
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for some reason i got my friend into my server but theres always this problem blocking the way...sumhow when i put as config.xml login i connect to my server but i get ae with my friend and when i put my ip in config.xml i cant log-in my server anymore..any soulution and im using hamachi but i jsut connect is there any way to activate hamachi so itll work with my server?
instead of YOUR Computer ip, put in your Hamachi Ipaddress.
If that still doesnt work put in your computer ipaddress.

because if im correct, inorder for your friend to play you had to give him the hamachi ipaddress?
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instead of YOUR Computer ip, put in your Hamachi Ipaddress.
If that still doesnt work put in your computer ipaddress.

because if im correct, inorder for your friend to play you had to give him the hamachi ipaddress?
no in order for him to play i gave him my ip adress and btw can u tell me how to get hamachi's ip?

Edit* i just tried i used hamachis log-in and i connected but for some reason my friend didnt..and if he put my ip he connect but were not using same ip so wits like ae still..
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