hi :) <3

Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hi it's me the1Domo.

You know, looking back at everything that has happened in this community revolving around this game from the release of the source code, and all that, I am so glad that we finally achieved a 64-bit. And I'm thankful for everyone who has helped update, and make new tools and helped with creation. It was a team effort even though we were all fighting with each other, at the end the initial goal I set out to do was achieved. We made the game better and we're still making the game better. it was right after my Uncle Roger died, and I was talking to a friend and he shared an old source code with me, and I am incredibly thankful to that person. I don't want to say his name unless we wants to be known. He was incredibly mad at me because i made a lot of bad decisions. I don't think I can ever do anything to make it up to any of the people I've hurt in the past.
I wish you all the best @theDomo and if you would like a copy of my client and database just pm, and its yours maybe you can help with the minor bugs i have, If not they you are up too current USA.......Just dont share what i send you, the community has everything here just have to do some work to get it to current usa but its here in other topics. but if you can and your back maybe you can help getting Quest to show on maps in Tasuq i have all the quest working but they just dont show on map ...any ways glade everything worked out and your back in the community.

again Best of luck
Re: hi :) &lt;3

I do not mind at all my friend. thank you for all of your hard work and this community!!!! and I highly appreciate your response. thank you

and now that I'm finally off of parole I don't have to worry about my probation officer coming into my house I'm taking all my computers I'm free I'm finally free lol
Well, Approx 17 years ago i had the police in my house for a house search. That was a bad thing, i was in a Warez-Scene release group and on the wrong FTP server ^^

Since then i do not everything in that area.......it was not so bad like what you had been through, but also not so nice for me :D

And yes, the 64-Bit Client is the best thing that happened. I'm litterally not interessted in any other private server, but Runes of Magic (Ok, maybe Lotro, but i guess that will not happen ^^), and everytime i play with it i do it with a smile on my face, because i can play with full details :D

So i also thank everyone who was involved in this!

This is beyond awesome!
to be honest right now I'm not really hosting a server some people have been trying to get me to I mean I have kind of like a closed thing for friends and people in my Discord that I didn't even announce to anyone then all the sudden people just started showing up which really surprised me and caught me off-guard I might dedicate time to it again only because I'm being asked to but I'm afraid of the hate well I guess at this point. no matter what I do I'm going to get hate from people so I spell ignore it