I was looking through the pk files today and I stumbled upon this.
( 700022
( "[Goo-Ryung] : Hm... This must be done by the demons. I'm sure this is the Royal Tomb on this map." 18 2 )
( "[%1] : Okay, it's confirmed. Now, what shall I do?" )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : We've found out that the relic of the Royal Tomb is stolen." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : And we found that the Ancient Drum is missing." )
( "[%1] : The Ancient Drum..." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : I don't have enough time for explaining about the Ancient Drum. Please get it back to us." )
( "[%1] : The Ancient Drum is a big drum. We got information that the Demon Escort has the Ancient Drum. Please get it back." 0 2 )
( 700023
( "[Goo-Ryung] : Oh! You get the Ancient Drum back." 18 2 )
( "[%1] : Why is this drum is so important?" )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : This is a precious drum." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : The legend tells that this Drum will alarms you when the enemies are coming. " )
( "[%1] : What a wicked drum." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : What!? A wicked drum! Just listen to me about the legend of the Ancient Drum." 0 2 700024 )
( 700024
( "[Goo-Ryung] : Once upon a time, there's a prince who loves the princess of the next country. The princess also loves the prince but the both countries are mutual enemies ." 2 2 )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : The king of Naraeha wants to occupy the country that is close to Naraeha but there is a precious drum that alarms the enemy's attack in the country. So the king of Naraeha order the prince to destroy the drum." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : The prince worries for a while and he finally ask the princess to destroy the drum." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : Now, the princess worries that she has to decide between love and her country. Finally, she chooses love." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : The princess destroys the drum and she kill herself with a knife. Because the drum doesn't alarm Naraeha's attack, The king of Naraeha and the prince win the war." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : The prince won the war but he lost the princess." )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : After the victory, the prince return to Naraeha and he went out to the forest. He spends the rest of his life for making the Ancient Drum. This is how this Ancient Drum come." 0 2 700025 )
( 700025
( "[%1] : This Ancient Drum is not a normal drum after all..." 18 2 )
( "[Goo-Ryung] : By the way, I forgot to tell you that the king's GeumGwan
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