Honor disable.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
I posted this before long time ago but cant find it back:P

How do i disable honor for honor items on mangos for wow version 1.12.1

thanks in advance =)

Greetings zika.
make a new text file.
add this in it:
UPDATE `item_template` SET `requiredhonorrank`=`requiredhonorrank`+4 WHERE `requiredhonorrank`>0;
change extension to .sql
voilla :)
works for me :)
ok so i make text document write in it

UPDATE `item_template` SET `requiredhonorrank`=`requiredhonorrank`+4 WHERE `requiredhonorrank`>0;

Rename the text document to??? and put .sql after it?

and import in Mangos database?

explain bit /shy ^^
UPDATE `item_template` SET `requiredhonorrank`=`requiredhonorrank`+4 WHERE `requiredhonorrank`>0;

This query tolds:

Update the Honor Required Row with the actual value with 4 ranks more, to all items with honor required..

xD this query makes now the honor rank necessary is more high than before...

If u want erase the required honor the correct query is:
UPDATE `item_template` SET `requiredhonorrank`= 0 WHERE `requiredhonorrank`>0;

yea i said that in latest reply...
anyway... anyone has idea when honor will be 100% fixed? :)

edit: ah yea... that + was the problem too XD
sorry.... but i copyed it from one repack..