Honor in Mangos

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hey all, just got my server up and i wanted to know if its possible to give characters PvP Ranks, cause some items can only be used if you have the required rank.
Ok nice, but i have no clue where to do this. Can you tell me where exactly i can change this?
for first one u use one honor.sql where there is info that changes value of rank to use item to 0. it can be found on forum and it is in some repacks.
the second one (i use this one):
first u get char GUID
then u search for that guid in table character_kill
and it should give out the results of honorable kills of this char.
ok so then u just change number of honor to whatever u want(number) for rank :)
if u want i can play with db a bit and tell u numbers for ranks...
ok ill only tell ally honor rank names.
private: 100 honor
corporal: 5000 honor
sergeant: 10000 honor
Master Sergeant: 15000 honor
Sergeant Major: 20000 honor
Knight: 25000 honor
Knight-Lieutenant: 30000 honor
Knight-Captain: 35000 honor
Knight-Champion: 40000 honor
Lieutenant Commander: 45000 honor
Commander: 50000 honor
Marshal: 55000 honor
Field Marshal: 60000 honor
Grand Marshal: 65000 honor
have fun :)