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Mar 24, 2007
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Um if i use XPT1855 Server and XPT1855 Client does that mean in my hotuk.ini should the server version be at 3096 or 1855 because i am use the 3096 client for my pt installation.
They WONT work, I just said in that second sentence what you need, and didn't you post some thread about quitting PT like yesterday =\
Yes that would work Dark, you could also use any client from 1840 - 1853

And changed nothing, he just wants to avoid being banned again.
Yes that would work Dark, you could also use any client from 1840 - 1853

And changed nothing, he just wants to avoid being banned again.
off topic - sorry but this guy annoyng

changed nothing ???
can`t you see i got different avatar? :sweatdrop

on topic

@darkdeathfox: you could use the client you consider your players can`t use hacks with mostly, that might help a little in avoiding cheaters on ur server :P
do some research about PT hacks ;)
Ok I'm a bit lost here, the only server files I am seeing are way older than the client file I have which is 3102 and my nephew has 3103 is there a way to tie this all together and get it to work?
and the hotuk.ini file didn't exist in the server download I had
well excuse the piss out of me! I should be commended for not starting a new thread and all you wanna do is bitch>??
Besides, if you were so worried about bumping or whatever you call it then close the thread ya moron'

Thanks Sik for the info, I'll grab the files I need and go I wont be posting anymore period!
Do not feed the troll or keep an argument going please. crnicholls if you would have read the rules before posting you would understand that after a topic is dead for two weeks, you are not supposed to reply to it. It also states in the rules right after that to instead make a new thread if the previous one did not help you. So yes do excuse the piss out of you!

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