
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I'm rather new here, but I thought I'd show off a few of my pieces.

This was a character concept a friend. asked me to do:
nakirush - Hourglass - RaGEZONE Forums

This is a concept for a holographic greeter in a games newbie zone:
nakirush - Hourglass - RaGEZONE Forums

A world map from the same project of the greeter:
nakirush - Hourglass - RaGEZONE Forums

If you have any comments, critiques, or questions please feel free to put them here.


(Oops, just realized I only have the name of the first character in the thread name. Sorry.)
I like the island and the first one a lot, really nice job!

Welcome to RaGEZONE!