How can I get my server to autopatch

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2007
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Well, I really want to know how I get my cilent to autopatch for other people when I make an update , like updating the system.mrs etc...

How can I do this?

Thanks ;)

The most used way is making installation files of the updated files everytime you change something. Put this install files on your website so people know their is a update. If i where you i used NSIS, you can get it from sourceforge. It might be a little hard for some people to build an installation file but your file will small and very fast.

The best way is to edit the launcher of NaGunz (north american gunz from and use it for your gunz. You can also try to make your own launcher but your asking how to... so i guess that won't be the solution for you.
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