Feb 21, 2007 #1 E ev0lu7i0n Newbie Spellweaver 10 Happy Years Joined Jul 20, 2005 Messages 15 Reaction score 0 Sorry guy don't speak english well but how make my computer work when off? Thanks... lol, sorry I just had to
Sorry guy don't speak english well but how make my computer work when off? Thanks... lol, sorry I just had to
Feb 21, 2007 #2 J Jeero Initiate Mage 10 Happy Years Joined Jul 10, 2006 Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Location Netherlands The word 'Off' Erm.. if you mean what i think you mean. Which would be running a WoW server when your pc is turned off. You can't. If you pc is off, there is just no way to have anything run on it since... at that time it is nothing oO
The word 'Off' Erm.. if you mean what i think you mean. Which would be running a WoW server when your pc is turned off. You can't. If you pc is off, there is just no way to have anything run on it since... at that time it is nothing oO
Feb 21, 2007 #3 kinkedo Newbie Spellweaver 20 Happy Years Joined Jun 21, 2004 Messages 7 Reaction score 0 lmao Hey gais.... hao duu eye ran mai sefer weefiot ei cumpeuta? soree me speek no inglesh
Feb 21, 2007 #4 J Jeero Initiate Mage 10 Happy Years Joined Jul 10, 2006 Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Location Netherlands Just my point It's impossible to run anything on your computer when its off -- Why did this guy need two topics to get that cleared up? -- Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
Just my point It's impossible to run anything on your computer when its off -- Why did this guy need two topics to get that cleared up? --