How can i participate as a developer in osrose??

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Mar 24, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Last saturday i was playing narose, and a friend told me about a site with a free server of this game, after that moment i was searching for a free rose server download. Moments later i found this site with this genial Open Source Server.

Well to the point, I wish I could help to develop some components, get close to the project. I have 2 years of expirience with Java, I know this project was written in C++, but that doesn't scare me, so if someone can help with my doubt, i will be really glad.

:jester: Greatings
what do you mean it dont scare you... you should know c++ if you want to make a program in its language..
its should be easy for him to pickup another programming language.

take a look of this thread
what do you mean it dont scare you... you should know c++ if you want to make a program in its language..

I don't have a lot of experience in c++, but I'm a fast learner, besides in most of the laguages the the only whing that changes is syntax not logic, probably you should know that.

For everyboy else who really give me support I'm thankful for your help.

Good moorning!!!:punch:
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